Remembering the Referendum

Carolyn Marie Souaid
8 October 2020

Would Carolyn Marie Souaid's marriage survive the 1995 Quebec referendum? A lot was on the line 25 years ago.

Lebanon: No Going Back

Carolyn Marie Souaid
12 August 2020

Carolyn Marie Souaid remembers a country of promise and hope, but also a land of despair and ruins.

The Worst that Could Happen

Marianne Ackerman
2 June 2020

The backstage story of Marianne Ackerman’s hit comedy Triplex Nervosa, from kitchen table to opening night and beyond.

Flattening the Curb

Eric Deguire
31 May 2020

Eric Deguire explores how a television program can be a perfect match for these sad and strange times.

The Way We Live Now, I mean now

Linda Leith
6 April 2020

When it comes to plagues and pestilence, the writers mentioned most often nowadays are Boccaccio, Defoe, Camus, and Garcia Marquez. But it’s Waiting for Godot and a 1986 story by Susan Sontag that come to Linda Leith’s mind.

A Joy to Read

Kenneth Radu
3 March 2020

Kenneth Radu remembers New York while reading Ariela Freedman's Brooklyn-set A Joy To Be Hidden

Review: Smells Like Stars

Leigh Kinch-Pedrosa
4 October 2018

In Leigh Kinch-Pedrosa's review, D. Nandi Odhiambo's new novel is "a swirling, dizzying, drama full of complex characters and high stakes."



Translation: Lu Xun's Voice, II

23 September 2018

Jennifer Quist translates this second piece by Chinese author Lu Xun, work that was carried out as part of her post-graduate work at the University of Alberta. The first piece appears here.



Review: The Pink House

Leigh Kinch-Pedrosa
14 May 2018

Contributing editor Leigh Kinch-Pedrosa reviews The Pink House, the new collection by Montreal writer Licia Canton. 

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