Dear Humans: A Letter from the Animals

Nisha Coleman
Illustrated by Shanthony Exum

March 2023

The Earth is changing fast! Polar Bear's ice is melting. Gazelle's savanna is turning into a desert. Sea Turtle's waters are poisoned. Toucan's rainforest is disappearing. 

How bad is it? Gorilla calls all the animals to a summit. They have to talk. When they realize that humans are behind the destruction, they must act quickly. Should they send them to another planet? Maybe the humans need their help? The animals write a letter to remind humans how they were meant to live on this Earth. And how to turn things around before it's too late.


NISHA COLEMAN's stories have been featured on CBC, Moth Radio Hour, and Risk! podcast. She facilitates community storytelling workshops, including for Story Collider, which was part of a collaboration with the World Health Organization. Coleman is the co-founder of Strand Storytelling School and co-artistic director of the storytelling series Enfabulation. Her memoir Busker: Stories from the Streets of Paris was published in 2016. She lives in Montreal.

SHANTHONY EXUM's art and music have been lauded by The New York Times, NPR, Billboard, New York Magazine, Elle, Glamour, Jezebel, and more. Her pop song Thunder Thighs went viral in 2017 and landed on lists of feminist anthems. Exum works to increase the visibility of marginalized people and issues such as climate change and consumerism. She lives in Montreal.

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$ 8.95 | ISBN: 9781773901329

Format: Trade paper

Size: 8 x 8 in.

Pages: 40

What they say
Advance praise

Dear Humans takes us into an emergency meeting among the animals to confront a crisis: the increasing destruction of their habitat. The animals wonder why humans are not doing more to protect the planet. But the answer is not as simple as they might think, and the solution may lie in the wisdom and creativity of humans themselves. With both humour and unflinching candidness, Dear Humans plunges us into an urgent conversation, inviting readers of all ages to engage in constructive dialogue about our relationship to the natural world.
--Andrew Katz, author I Just Want to Be Super!

An accessible, honest, and sweet way to get your little one in on the important mission of saving our planet.
--Cleo Stiller, Emmy and Peabody Award-winning author of Modern Manhood

It is so important to give children the space to express their big feelings about climage change. Dear Humans does just this with humour, heart and hope.
--Boots, of the Juno Award-winning duo Splash'N Boots.

I'd definitely read it again and a hundred times.
--Molly, seven years old.


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